Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trust Daddy

Admittedly, I regard schmaltzy, sentimental, Hallmark-ish Christian writings and sayings with a certain amount of disdain, particularly those that are mass marketed.  I often view them as a symptom of deeper issues… systemic issues related to consumerism, sensationalism, shallow theology, and the foothold they’ve taken within Christian culture.

I share that as a disclaimer due to the fact that this particular post is schmaltzy, sentimental, and Hallmark-ish.  Sorry.  It is what it is.  And with that, I shall begin. 

Every now and again, I get glimpses… little bits of heavenly perspective from the vantage point of the Father - Not because I’ve reached some great spiritual mark, not because I’ve fasted or prayed, but in this particular case because I’m a dad.  And every so often, the shadow that is our world, aligns in such a way that we catch reflections of the Heavenly realm... little shimmers which can give us moments of divine illumination.

As I was getting my children ready for bed this evening, my youngest was a little weepy.  She gets that way when she’s tired.  Just about anything can set her off and her eyes will water up, her bottom lip will quiver, and she’ll struggle to communicate the words she so desperately wants me to understand.  In this particular case, she wanted her “critters” (her stuffed animals).  Then she wanted a glass of water.  Each time, I asked her to wait patiently as I finished what I was doing, and each time, she became weepy.

I simply said, “Trust daddy.”  The second time I said “Trust daddy,” is when it hit me (that little bit of divine illumination).  I realized that The Father was saying the same thing to me.  Trust Daddy.  Abba.  Trust Daddy in the midst of your waiting.  Trust Daddy in the midst of your pain and struggle.  Trust Daddy to work it out.  Trust Daddy to order your steps.   

I could almost hear the ancient echoes… (Moses being sent to Egypt) Trust Daddy… (Joseph in prison) Trust Daddy… (Abraham going) Trust Daddy… (John the Baptist in prison)… Trust Daddy… 

My children are in bed now.  I can hear my youngest talking quietly to her critters.  Hopefully she'll be asleep soon.   

Thank you Daddy.  I will trust You.  Help me to trust You.  

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